Innovative Skills for Nurses


The motivation that backs up the Innovative Skills for Nurses project is related structural issues with national healthcare systems that came to light, with the COVID pandemic. Relevant to this project is the case of Specialist Nurse (SN) and the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN). Whereas the concept of SNs and APNs has recently evolved as a response to healthcare needs, there is currently no convergence in terms of higher education since the curriculum structures, length of educational programs, and learning outcomes differ among European countries, as well as their practical training in their respective clinical field.


The Innovative Skills for Nurses project has the aim to develop innovative nursing student-centered curricula in order to better meet their learning needs and to reduce skills mismatches for the training of Specialist Nurse (SN) and the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) in a wide-spectrum of specialties with crucial impact on healthcare systems which will be extremely relevant for the labor market and for the wider society.

The specific aims of the project are:

  • Develop an innovative Curriculum to be implemented in all partner universities for the training of Specialist Nurses (SN) and Advanced Practice Nurses (APN)
  • Provide trainers and lecturers of in-service and student nurses with innovative digital teaching skills and methods
  • Create an online Repository of digital and virtual reality based scenarios and diagnostic challenges to be used as teaching and learning sources to qualify nurses

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A RUTIS é apenas um parceiro associado.

Este projeto tem sido financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A presente comunicação reflete apenas a opinião do autor e a Comissão não pode ser responsabilizada por qualquer uso que possa ser feito da informação nela contida.